Be encouraged! Don’t let the devil steal your faith!

Be encouraged, and remember Gods faithfulness. Don’t allow the devil to steal Gods words out of our heart. Remember what God has done for you, remember all the answered prayers. Remember how is word, came to pass in your life. Praise him for it! Remember in his word he said in the last days he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh, and we would have dreams, prophecy, and see visions? (Joel 2:28). That’s the real reason your getting dreams, and visions! God is FAITHFUL! He is performing his word, he is doing what he said he would do! That’s the real reason you talk about Jesus! Remember God said we would prophesy in Joel 2:28? Revelations 19:20 tells us the the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Meaning when we declare/speak/testify Jesus is real, and etc., that is the spirit of prophecy on us, because we are testifying / speaking about Jesus! Isn’t God faithful??? Doesn’t he do what he said he would do? Remember In the book of Ezekiel 36:27 God said he would give us his spirit, so that we can walk in his statues, keep his judgements, and be obedient, and today, we have the Holy Spirit?!? Didn’t God do what he said he would do?!? God is faithful! Do not allow the devil to steal the word of God out of your heart, and leave you with doubt. God word is a seed, when you believe it, it produces a fruit. Meaning, Your faith, belief, and confidence in Gods word, will cause that word to come to past. When you believe that God will supply your needs, and you refuse to feed into doubt, you will see your needs supplied. When you believe that God is going to heal you according to his word, and you refuse to believe the devil lies, your healing will manifest. Yet, if you allow the devil to steal Gods word out of your heart, by utilizing doubt, what’s going to manifest? Absolutely nothing. When you mature in your faith, you have to exercise your faith, not your tears, nor your complaining. Just like our faith helps us walk into victories, Satan will attempt to send doubt to cause you to walk away from victories, and cause delays. After all, God said if you don’t believe you WONT BE ESTABLISED (Isaiah 7:9). Meaning, if you keep doubting, thinking about the past failures, how it didn’t happen last time, and etc., you won’t see God do it. Therefore, believe! Declare his works! God said he would turn the moon blood red in the word, and it came to past in our time! God said he would turn the sun into darkness in his word, and it came to past in our time! Therefore he will perform every other word he has spoken! Speak your testimonies, speak what God has done, build up your most Holy Faith!!!

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