Focus on what God said!

Don’t become discouraged because your life doesn’t look how the prophet said it would look, or your life doesn’t line up with the promises of God. Don’t become weary because the things you are praying for haven’t manifested. Activate your faith by Declaring and decreeing what God said for your situation! Reminisce on his greatness! Speak life into your situation! God is not a man that he should lie! He’s not going to say something and not do it! He will even perform the word that his true servants speak into your life! (Isaiah 44:26) No good thing will our father with hold from us if We walk up rightly. (Psalms 84:11) Heaven and earth will pass away before the word of our God! Our God is faithful that promised, we can wait with patience! Come on… If he formed the world with his words, what makes you think the rest of his words/promises for your life won’t become visible! Your faith is being tested! Believe and speak life! Come up against all thoughts of doubts by speaking and believing the word of God! Don’t let those doubtful thoughts make you walk away from gods promises! God will do according to what your faith is!!! Rise above the Devils whispers! He is a liar!!! Our only blessings aren’t just in heaven!!! It’s some things that our father will give us on earth as well!

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